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Friday, May 29, 2009

The Dolphin at it's finest!

Dolphin crew members cannot disagree that this is one of the best photo of "Dolphin". It's majic actually. Disagree if you want. It's a free country!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memoirs of the Flooding and Fire

Here is quite the most important picture taken of me. I felt so good to be alive. I had just come off USS DOLPHIN after the May 21st 2002 incident. I am in the center of the three sailors shown below.

Can anyone name all of the sailors in this picture?

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The latest Chinese conventional submarine Named "GREAT WALL 218"

Above is two pictures of Chinese submarine "GREAT WALL 218" It was on display April 22, 2009 in the Chinese city of Qingdao. The Chinese were celebrating the 60th anniversary of the "Peoples Liberation Army" "PLA". The Chinese invited senior naval officers from 29 countries for tours of this submarine.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Great video of blowing off steam on a "Los Angeles" class submarine.

I was on the "Los Angeles" class submarine "USS BATON ROUGE", so these video shots of ANOTHER "Los Angeles" class submarine really brings back memories.

Saturday, May 02, 2009

More Pictures of the Dolphin at Harbor Drive, San Diego, Ca

Here is the Dolphin coming into the San Diego Martime Museum pier. The sub on the left is the museums Russian "Foxtrot class" B-39. Evetually the Dolphin will be next to the Berkely on another pier. Here is a shot of the Dolphin's front (Bow area). This is one of the added stair's for the museum's visitors. There is two stairs added to the submarine Dolphin.

This is a picture of what originally was the only way on and off Dolphin. This is the submarine's only hatch.

Here is a picture of Dolphin's right side ( starboard)

Here is a picture of Dolphin's left side ( port side) with tug boat that brought Dolphin to it's new homeport.

Here is a picture of Dolphin's left back section. (port aft area). This picture was taken on top of the mueseums Russian diesel submarine "Foxtrot Class" B-39

These photos were taken by Brad Holderman, a volunteer at the San Diego Maritime Museum. She came in Wednesday, April 29, 2009 and was first sited around 9:38 on Harbor Drive in San Diego. This water front being part of the "San Diego Maritime Museum. If you want to see all of the pictures, click here. DPG