Here is the Dolphin coming into the San Diego Martime Museum pier. The sub on the left is the museums Russian "Foxtrot class" B-39. Evetually the Dolphin will be next to the Berkely on another pier.
Here is a shot of the Dolphin's front (Bow area). This is one of the added stair's for the museum's visitors. There is two stairs added to the submarine Dolphin.
This is a picture of what originally was the only way on and off Dolphin. This is the submarine's only hatch.
Here is a picture of Dolphin's right side ( starboard)
Here is a picture of Dolphin's left side ( port side) with tug boat that brought Dolphin to it's new homeport.
Here is a picture of Dolphin's left back section. (port aft area). This picture was taken on top of the mueseums Russian diesel submarine "Foxtrot Class" B-39
These photos were taken by Brad Holderman, a volunteer at the San Diego Maritime Museum. She came in Wednesday, April 29, 2009 and was first sited around 9:38 on Harbor Drive in San Diego. This water front being part of the "San Diego Maritime Museum. If you want to see all of the pictures,
click here.